Initial Draft
The F-8 is a trainer was also designed for the beginner to intermediate Builder / Piolt, but sports a look that resembles the F-8 Crusader. It is designed to fly solw and dosile yet look sleak and dominent at the field. It has a 40"wing span, and is 43.7"long.With an estimated weight of 29.2 oz it reaches the 11 oz per sq ft wing loading of a trainer. As with the Buccaneer a 950 Kv motor and an 11 X 6 prop with flaps depolyed its a walk in the park, but with a 1100 Kv to 1200 Kv motor and 10 X 4. It will provide plenty of excitement foe the intermediate, but docile handling for the beginner Pilot. It can handle up to a 2200 MaH 3S battery with a 30 amp ESC. No landing gear were incorperated for ease of construction. Simply hand launch and belly in. Leave the practice landing sessions to the advanced guys. Just have fun! A set of skins will be available upon the release of this design.
Under construction:
The Buccaneer
The Buccaneer was designed with the beginner to intermediate Builder / Pilot in mind.Only simple to intermediate building techniques are required, and it's docile enough for the beginner. It has a wing span of 48.5" and a lenght of 31.25". With an estimated weight of 27.5 oz. and 321 sq in of wing area it graces an 11 oz per sq ft wing loading which is perfect for a trainer. With a 950Kv motor and an 11 X 6 prop it's a very slow docile flyer especialy with the flaps depolyed. Add an 1100 to 1200 Kv motor and a 10 X 4 prop and it can give the intermediate more of a chalange. Landing gear can be larger balloon type for rougher flying fields. It can handle up to a 2200 MaH 3s battery with a 30 amp ESC. A set of skins will be available for this design also and should be ready on the release date.